Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just read this blog post in my reader from GirlTalk and it made me think. Martin Luther just has a way with words. Now, the blog is about babies and parents so a little disclaimer here that I am not near having children so no conclusions to be hopped here.

But anyway, it's really talking about doing the everyday things with an eternal perspective. Of course, it takes a different route when talking about a child because they are eternal, but so is every person we come into contact with. Seeing that I do not have my own children, as I read this article I see the mundane as grocery shopping and talking to the greeter or the cashier or the stock boy; I see mundane as cleaning the house, folding clothes, washing dishes for my dear and wonderful husband; I see mundane as walking out of my apartment and passing my neighbor in the breezeway. When I look at all of these people as eternal, these seemingly mundane things become eternal as well. It is a privilege I have to come into contact with each person. It is a privilege to be able to love and serve my husband. It is what I don't deserve, just like my own salvation. Knowing all this, how much more should I do these mundane things with upward honor and adoration. In doing so, by His grace, those I come in contact with will see this upward-living.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The wedding was beautiful. Perfect. Everything I could've dreamed of; the cool thing about it is that I didn't really have a whole lot of expectations for our wedding, but it exceeded anything I can think of. Our closest friends were there. We danced. We worshipped. We laughed. We cried. We did what friends do. I wouldn't change anything. And the most ironic thing about the whole day, it down-poured the entire morning; like it stormed. But it didn't matter once I got in the car and headed to the Grater house. Once I got in the car, I was taking the rest of the day one moment at a time. I inhaled each moment as deeply as I could and waited for the next to come before I breathed it in. Therefore, I enjoyed it. I remember it. It was so fast. I wanted it to just slow down a little bit, but it was perfect. I'm glad I'm married now; I'm glad we had a wedding; I'm glad I planned it well; I'm also glad I didn't freak out over little things; I had a few details that needed to happen but other than that, I really didn't want to be in charge. It made everything perfect. Goodness, I can't wait for the pictures and the video. So now for the fun

Anyway, I'm married. The wedding was one day, but now I'm married every day. I love it. I love him. I love the Lord. Sometimes I have a hard time believing it's real; that the day has actually come and gone, but other days it's so joyous. Jared is such a joy to my heart; he's what I need. The Lord knew what I needed, and he gave it to me. A good Father always gives his children good gifts. His promises never fail; and they did not fail this time either. His Word is my life. It wakes me up and puts me to sleep-not saying I read it as diligently as I should, but it is the foundation of what I live for. It makes marriage possible.

Thank you Lord for a day
Thank you Lord for this day
Thank you Lord

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh what Joy!

Well, the count down is officially on (not that it wasn't before). I am finished with school and work. Now, I have settled down to writing some good ol' thank you notes. You know, I love writing thank you notes. I just find such joy in being able to encourage others through writing. I mean, I love to write, and with a note, I can write and hopefully make someone smile a little! So here is a glimpse into my night....

(excuse the poor picture quality; this is an Iphone picture)

Ekklesia Coffee, a green Le pen, and my oh so cute thank you notes from Embossed Graphcics :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One Month

One Month from today I will be married to the wonderful, handsome, God-fearing Jared Fincher. One month from today my life will change entirely. One month from today my name will change. One month from today the Lord will allow me to be a part of the most beautiful picture of his unfailing love for us found in the picture of marriage. One month from today I will be the happiest girl ever.....but fortunately my joy is found in Christ so that day will only be a glimpse of what's to come. Think about that for a minute...I will.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Engagement Pictures

Brittany Grater (who happens to also be in my wedding!! Yes, she's the best) did our engagement pictures.
This will just be a brief preview of them.
I love them all, but I'll just put a few of my favorites here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

6 weeks.

Well, we have 6 weeks until the wedding! Hard to believe it's so close.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! Four of my good friends got engaged! It makes me so happy to see the Lord uniting his followers in marriage. THey have a long road ahead until the wedding, but it is a fun, exciting road. They will learn a lot about themselves in the next few months, and about others. They will also learn a lot about the Lord's will for their lives.
This time of engagement has been good; I've learned so much. So many people have been a part of it to better prepare me and Jared for marriage. I believe the Lord is preparing us too. Satan has tried hard to deter me from the Lord during this, but you know, that's almost encouraging. It goes to show that we are in the Lord's will because Satan is trying so hard to sway us, to make things more difficult, to take the glory from God, and to make us forget why we are doing all this anyway. The Lord is so good. He is faithful always; even when we are not. So to my newly engaged friends (who may or may not read this), " press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phillipians 3:14).

Satan has worked hard to secularize weddings, and he has done a darn good job at it. Let us praise the Lord, and plead for the Lord to maintain the sacredness of marriage within his people that we may be a picture of the gospel to the lost around us.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding

"It is most important habitually to contemplate our work in its proper character as a “work of faith.” As such, it can only be sustained by the active and persevering exercise of this principle. This is what makes it a means of grace to our own souls, as well as a grand medium of exalting our Divine Master. It is faith that enlivens our work with perpetual cheerfulness. It commits every part of it to God, in the hope, that even mistakes shall be overruled for his glory; and thus relieves us from an oppressive anxiety, often attendant upon a deep sense of our responsibility. The shortest way to peace will be found in casting ourselves upon God for daily pardon of deficiencies and supplies of grace, without looking too eagerly for present fruit." -Charles Bridges

That is a daily struggle, to do everything for the glory of God. It's so humbling to remember that I accomplish nothing on my own; everything is accomplished by and through the grace found in Christ. I pray that I will live in remembrance of that truth. Especially in these next few months with so much on my plate.

Well, the wedding is coming along quite nicely. I will fill in the gaps:

  1. I ordered invitations from Paper Affair. They are beautiful! I absolutely love them. They are sitting in a box in the dining room right now. They will be mailed by the end of this month(promise).
  2. I had my first shower!! It was so much fun. It was a Pampered Chef shower. A friend of my mom did a cooking show for us. I enjoyed it dearly. I got lots of new things and I cannot wait til they start arriving!
  3. I ordered my dishes. My grandparents wanted to buy my dishes for me, so they sent money with my mom. We went to Bed Bath & Beyond and I found the ones I love!. They were not what I had originally thought I would like, but I fell in love when I saw them.
  4. I randomly found the ties for the groomsmen at JCPennys the other day. THey are green and were only $15! Yay for sales.
  5. I got my dressed altered last week. It went well. I am on the hunt for a slip right now though. The one at David's Bridal did not quite work. I'm probably going to have to order it online.
  6. I ordered my Thank You notes from work a couple days ago. They should be in shortly. I think they are super cute.
  7. I am on the desperate hunt for shoes right now. It's deeming much harder than I had anticipated. But shoes will be found! And they will not cost me a fortune either.
  8. We have a DJ.
  9. I am working on flowers as we speak.
  10. I got my cake ideas together last night and will give them to the friend who is making it.
  11. We got our playlist for the wedding finished.
  12. We, as in my mother, Anna (sister-in-law), and myself, are going to the venue in a couple weeks to finalize all the tables and the setup.
  13. I'm waiting on my Bridesmaids to let me know what they are wearing so I can get them some cute things:)
And I think that is it.....or at least all I can think of a the moment.

Now, that was just wedding. School is really kicking in and we gotta find a place to live! I know the Lord will provide. He is always good to give us what we need. Praise Him for that.